
A connection represents the lowest level of bare interaction with the Elasticsearch server in the form of HTTP requests. The client presently supports HTTP requests using the LuaSocket library.

Each time a request is to be made, the request function is called. However, support is provided to overload this function. While creating the client, requestEngine can be passed in params.

local client = elasticsearch.client{
  hosts = {
      host = "localhost",
      port = "9200"
  params = {
    requestEngine = customRequestEngine

customRequestEngine should be a Lua function which takes as arguments the http method, uri, body and timeout. It should return a table response with keys code, statusCode and body.

-- Makes a request to target server
-- @param   method  The HTTP method to be used
-- @param   uri     The HTTP URI for the request
-- @param   body    The body to passed if any
-- @param   timeout The timeout(if any) in seconds
-- @return  table   The response returned
function customRequestEngine(method, uri, body, timeout)
  -- Make an HTTP 'method' request to 'uri' with 'body' and 'timeout'
  response.code       = -- non nil for a successful request
  response.statusCode = -- HTTP status code returned
  response.body       = -- Response body
  return response